3 replies
February 2023



Could someone explain in the layman terms how can we run this model (or any other external model) in MASON? I wouldn’t say that the official MASON website is very helpful for that matter.

What I have been trying so far is adding model into /sim/app/ (by unpacking the mason.jar file and converting it back to jar). I expected the model to appear in the model library, but it didn’t happen. Moreoever, comapring this model folder structure to built-in models, it looks like there are more folders with duplicated(?) files, which makes it harder to use built-in models as an example.

Thank you!

1 reply
February 2023 ▶ rklymentiev


I appreciate the effort. I haven’t been using MASON for a few years as it’s a bit bloated. This was literally the first ABM I ever worked on, starting in like 2008 (it took a while to publish this), so my own ability to effectively code and document was a bit impaired, and the resources back then weren’t as good. The code should run, but it may be more effort than it’s worth. The model itself is pretty simple, so my advice would be to instead try to replicate it yourself based on the written description. -Paul

1 reply
February 2023 ▶ paulsmaldino


Thanks for your reply. I can understand the hassle with the old code, so I will just follow the model’s description