Agent Based Integrated Assessment Model

Agent based approach to the class of the Integrated Assessment Models. An agent-based model (ABM) that focuses on the energy sector and climate relevant facts in a detailed way while being complemented with consumer goods, labour and capital markets to a minimal necessary extent.

All FOLDER constants in the class must be updated before start. In particular MAIN_FOLDER which is the main access path. PARAMETER_TABLES_FOLDER (where all the attached csv files should be placed before simulation begin) and RESULTS_FOLDER where the results are saved. For debugging DEBUG_ALL value must be set to true, as well as the market related debug parameter e.g. DEBUG_ALL. The folder where the debug files are stored is defined in the relevant debuggers. There are currently 4 versions of run() method: 1 - allows running 4 selected scenarios multiple times, 2 - allows systematic parameter search, 3 - reruning selected scenarios, 4 - allows systematic technology parameter search. Currently one must manually (un)comment relevant version of run() method. Examples how to run a code are commented in main(String[] args) method. Uses mason19.jar, opencsv.jar, apache commons lang, math and csv external libraries.

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