Sharing Geographic Information

A recent paper (M.F. Goodchild, P. Fu and P. Rich (2007) Sharing Geographic Information: An Assessment of the Geospatial One-Stop, AAAG 97(2): 250-266) is a nice overview of some challenges and solution of sharing data sets. The website can be a nice example for setting up relevant data sets for agent-based models.

The OSGeo Foundation is seting up a distributed network for making free geodata available. You can see design specs and additional information at The plan is to use WMS (web map server) interface for some parts of it. This is a real interesting and potentially useful way to go about disseminating data.

Michael Barton
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

Hi Michael,

it’s already there. Details at



Can’t reply to your post for some reason. But the OSGeo page you gave a link to is very cool. All interested in sharing geospatial data should take a look at this.

Michael Barton