Simulation for citizenship competences

This model represents an agent-based social simulation for citizenship competences. In this model people interact by solving different conflicts and a conflict is solved or not considering two possible escenarios: when individual citizenship competences are considered and when not. Each conflict has associated a competence and the information about the conflicts and their competences is retrieved from an ontology which was developed in Protégé. To do so, a NetLogo extension was developed using the Java programming language and the JENA API (to make queries over the ontology).

REQUIREMENTS • For the appropriate execution of this software it is required the installation of the NetLogo software V 6.1.1. • Java 1.8 or higher. • Tested on Windows 10 OS

FOR THE EXECUTION The executable files are: • A file containing the source code and scenario of the simulation (CitizechipCompetences_SocialSimulationModel.nlogo) • A folder with the queryonto extension (this extension was also developed by the authors using the NetLogo API) • A folder with the array extension (included in NetLogo) For the execution of this scenario you should open the CitizechipCompetences_SocialSimulationModel.nlogo file. In the information tag there is an explanation about the scenario and the steps for using it.

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