TERRoir level Organic matter Interactions and Recycling model

The TERROIR computer model — TERRoir level Organic matter Interactions and Recycling model — was built to assess soil fertility management and the nutrient recycling efficiency of agro-sylvo-pastoral landscapes. It is a spatially-explicit ABM that represents the management of a typical West African agro-sylvo-pastoral landscape in space and over time. The model focuses on the processes that create biomass flows and the related nutrient cycling. Here, it focuses on nitrogen (N) as a key limiting resource for both plant and animal production in West African agro-ecosystems. The purpose of the model is to provide realistic estimations of the structure of N flows at different levels: land plot and herd, household and village. It is not intended to predict long term agro-ecosystem dynamics but rather to compare different agro-ecosystems, depending on input parameters concerning the structure of the landscape (proportion of land units, i.e. homogeneous part of the landscape in terms of land use and management practices) and crop-livestock systems diversity (linked to a typology of households). The model can be further used to explore new improved agro-sylvo-pastoral landscapes. It is coded with GAMA, a multi-agent simulation and spatially explicit modeling platform.

GAMA 1.8

In models, use gridbuilding to build your grid, change parameters and initialization in folder inputs and run the model through the “main” file. This is a stabilized version of the Terroir model.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/codebases/5608/releases/2.0.0/