Category | Topics |
General ForumA place for general questions, announcements, or other items of interest for the agent based modeling / computational modeling community.
Model DiscussionThis forum is auto-populated with the descriptions of published computational models from the Computational Model Library and can be used to discuss specific versions of models.
HelpRequest help related to your computational modeling endeavors here, whether they be technical, methodological, or philosophical issues (e.g., establishing causality in your model).
EducationPlease use this category to discuss anything related to our CoMSES Education | Training Modules including GitHub repositories and example FAIR+ computational models hosted at
SupportIf you encounter any issues with the site please feel free to post here! Feedback and suggestions for how we can improve are also welcome.
TutorialsThis category is for tutorials and educational materials that cover good practices and technologies to help us design, develop, document, publish, and maintain FAIR computational models.
EventsThis forum category is auto-imported from the events calendar.
Jobs and AppointmentsThis is an auto-imported category from - please do not post topics here directly. Instead, post jobs at and use this forum for followup discussion as needed.
Documentation StandardsThis category is intended to help organize discussion about metadata standards for interoperability and reuse as well as narrative documentation standards for describing computational models like the Overview, Design concepts, and Details (ODD) protocol.
ConferencesCoMSES Net is piloting annual virtual conferences where members of our community can submit videos and engage with each other on our research over a period of several weeks using this Discourse site.
CoMSES Winter SchoolsCoMSES sponsors an annual International Winter School for Agent-Based Modeling of Social-Ecological Systems for PhD students, postdocs, and faculty.
coronavirusPlease use this category to discuss and collaborate on modeling activities related to the novel coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19). The consequences of this pandemic will have major impacts on our society and different nations are employing different approaches and interventions. Please share your models (of course you are welcome to use the COMSES Model Library) and let us work together to establish open and transparent discussion of model assumptions, findings, and impacts.
Working GroupsThis space is intended to help informal collectives of individuals to support and collaborate on community initiatives related to computational model documentation, reusable building blocks (RBBs), public health modeling (PHASE), and more. Feel free to suggest your own!