24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems

The Blue Sky Ideas special track is intended to present and provoke visionary ideas, long-term challenges, new research opportunities, and debate. It serves as an incubator for innovative, risky, and provocative research directions, and aims to provide a forum for publishing and presenting these without being constrained by the result-oriented standards followed in the review process of the main track of the conference. Research visions and ideas can cross disciplines, envisioning new directions relevant for Agents and advancing Multi-Agent Systems research through interdisciplinary viewpoints.

We encourage papers to reflect on the future of the research area and its community within the broader AI and computing landscape. We invite submissions that focus on novel, overlooked, or under-represented application areas to which agent research may contribute; potential paths for agent research to contribute to the state of the art in other AI and computing areas and the other way around; unexplored theoretical grounds for agent research. Overall, we aim at papers that help guide the agent community to achieve in the coming years a leading position within AI and computing research.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/events/747