Within the framework of the research project PEKRIS II, which is being carried out in cooperation with the University of Oldenburg Germany, the University of British Columbia Vancouver Canada, the Australian Antarctic Division in Hobart (all three responsible for the empirical part) and TU Dresden Germany (responsible for modeling), the professorship of Forest Biometrics and System Analysis at TU Dresden (https://tu-dresden.de/bu/umwelt/forst/ww/bsa/die-professur), led by Uta Berger, is searching for an ecological modeler at the earliest possible date.
Your tasks: The successful candidate is expected to work with two existing individual-based krill and salp models, which are to be further developed by introducing temperature-dependent reproduction submodels, a description of the interactions between krill and salps, and the explicit projection of primary production. The development and integration of a fisheries module is finally foreseen to derive knowledge-based methods to be tested by means of simulation experiments to support the future management of krill stocks in the Southern Ocean.
Your profile: Master’s degree or PhD in natural or environmental sciences (e.g. ecology, physics, environmental systems analysis, applied mathematics or hydrology); active experience in the development of simulation models (preferably individual or agent-based); solid knowledge in object-oriented programming (knowledge of NetLogo and Python is welcome); Fluency in English (written and spoken); German may be beneficial but not necessary; Ability to work independently and integration within a collaborative team environment in Germany and abroad (Canada and Australia). Strong motivation, willingness and curiosity to familiarize oneself with an exciting research field of the Southern Ocean.
Applications from women are particularly invited. The University is also committed to increasing the proportion of people with disabilities and therefore urges suitably qualified people to apply. Interested applicants are asked to send one PDF document containing a cover letter outlining their motivation to work with us in the frame of this project and their CV, including a list of publications. Additional required documents are relevant certifications, the two most significant publications for the open position (i.e., journal publications, PhD thesis) and the contact information of two referees to uta.berger@tu-dresden.de. The review process will begin on November 11 and will continue until the position has been filled. The earliest starting date is January 1, 2020. For questions please email uta.berger@tu-dresden.de.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/jobs/449/