We are a team of people at AI for Good London and we are developing a model for refugee camps in Greece to better help the NGOs and camp authorities to plan for the outbreak. Our first version of the model is here (https://eager-brown-3e89f3.netlify.com/). The map is based on Moria Camp in Greece.
We are looking to better this model in the next few weeks but our researcher had to drop out due to his PhD engagement so we are looking for someone who can take his work further as a collaborator. Let me know if you can help as you can read more information here (https://www.aiforgoodsimulator.com/). We have someone else from Cambridge who is working on the Compartmental Model in parallel.
Any feedback for the model is welcome and if you know anyone who can help with the modelling effort, comment below and I will get back to you asap! Thank you!