Addressing Barriers to Primary Care Access for Latinos in the U.S.: An Agent-Based Model

Addressing Barriers to Primary Care Access for Latinos in the U.S.: An Agent-Based Model (1.0.0)

Disparities in access to primary health care have led to health disadvantages among Latinos and other non-White racial groups. To better identify and understand which policies are most likely to improve health care for Latinos, we examined differences in access to primary care between Latinos with proficient English language skills and Latinos with limited English proficiency (LEP) and estimated the extent of access to primary care providers (PCPs) among Latinos in the U.S.

Release Notes

See model info (some notes may be outdated).

Associated Publications

Oh, H., Trinh, M. P., Vang, C., & Becerra, D. (2020). Addressing barriers to access primary care for Latinos in the U.S.: An agent-based model. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(2), 165–184.

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