Advanced Agent Based Modeling online course

Advanced Agent Based Modeling online course

Are you fascinated by the example models provided by NetLogo? Wondering how you can decipher complex systems? And now you wonder how to make your own model? In this advanced course, we dig deep into specific aspects of agent-based modeling that we only briefly touched upon in the beginner’s course. These topics include, for example, model parameterisation, validation, sensitivity analysis and scenarios. In this course, you will work on a specific modeling project throughout the week. You can choose to bring your own idea to the course or select from a set of suggested projects with varying levels of difficulty. During the course, you will implement a first version of your own agent-based model, learn basic analysis steps and plan your next steps.

Learning outcomes

After this course, you will be able to: Recall basic NetLogo programming skills and basic ABM terms Create (the first version of) your own ABM Distinguish types of sensitivity analyses and implement a simple analysis for your own model Plan how to parameterize your own model Plan how to validate your own model Take the first step in your model analysis

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