The 29th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO) will take place in Valencia, July 8-11, 2018 (
Deadline for abstract submissions is March 5th, 2018
If you are interested in sending an abstract to the Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) session, please go directly to the abstract submission system page ( and use the following invited session code: 42d687d8
SESSION: Agent-Based Simulation
STREAM: Stochastic Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, Management and Science
AREA: Simulation, Stochastic and Robust Optimization
The Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) session is interested in theoretical, methodological and applied research that involves synergistic interaction between simulation and agent technologies. It covers multi-agent systems, agent-based simulation and agent-directed simulation. Contributions to the ABS track can be advancements of agent-based simulation modeling and/or analysis, studies of complex adaptive systems or self-organizing emergent phenomena using agent-based models, and applications of ABS to fields such as Engineering, Management and Science. Also, of interest are contributions that demonstrate the use of agents as support facilities to enable computer assistance in simulation-based problem solving (i.e., agent-supported simulation), or the use of agents for the generation of model behavior in a simulation study.
We would like to invite you to contribute to the ABS session. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Verification, validation, testing; quality assurance; as well as failure avoidance in ABS
• Experiments and output analysis of ABS
• Advanced agent features for agent-directed simulation: e.g., ABS to monitor multi-simulation studies, agents in design and monitoring of simulation experiments and analysis of results
• Interface with artificial intelligence and analytics
• Incorporating big-data into ABS
• ABS in autonomous and adaptive systems
• Modelling complex adaptive systems and self-organizing systems
• Advanced execution platform for ABS (e.g. cloud, edge computing)
• Applications in business (e.g. operations, supply chain, marketing, finance)
• Applications in physical science and engineering (e.g. environment, biomedical, engineering)
• Applications in social sciences (e.g. diffusion, cooperation, competititon)
We hope that you are interested in contributing to the ABS session. Together, we can increase the impact of ABS as one of the key operational research and analytics techniques!
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at