The purpose of the model is to simulate how the agents decisions at a plot and a farm level can influence the whole landscape structure of a rural region in the Netherlands. Three interrelated decision-making processes are included: stop farm, changes in the farm size and diversification of farm practices.
An agents represent a farm(er)s. Agent characteristics include: agent type, age, owned farm, owned plots, farm size, agribusiness type, production scale, memory (actions of the previous 5 years), location in the landscape and probabilities for each decision-making process (probabilities are drawn from empirical data).
The spatial units are represented by grid cells (1 ha). One cell or set of cells form a plot, which is the decision-making unit of the model. The characteristics of the spatial units include: field number, field size, owner, land-use type, production per hectare, density of landscape elements inside and outside the agricultural field, distance to the residence of the owner and suitability for agriculture. The simulated period is 15 years.
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Most of the additional information is modified due to confidentiality restrictions.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
I can’t run the model in NetLogo 6.2. It shows the following error:
Can you please suggest how to open and run this model?
Since the model is about 10 years old you may want to use an older version of NetLogo (no info on which version was used was provided by the author), and contact the author @diego.valbuena to see whether a more recent version is available (can be uploaded to the model library).
Thanks @marcojanssen and @mabsplanner. I’ve just uploaded a version of the model that runs in NetLogo 6.2.