« MISS-ABMS 2017 - Multi-platform International Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling & Simulation for Renewable Resources Management » is organized by CIRAD and IRSTEA with the support of Agropolis International and with the contributions of CNRS and University of Toulouse and Rouen.
Venue & dates: 04-15 September 2017, Agropolis International, Montpellier (France)
Content: during the morning sessions, the principles, methods and technics of the design, implementation and exploration stages will be collectively taught. Specific points will be addressed according to the expectations and demands of the participants. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to personal applications: the trainers will support the participants in designing, implementing and fine-tuning their own agent-based model.
Highlights :
An integrated approach of agent-based modelling and simulation : design – implementation –analysis
Diversity of tools (3 platforms : Netlogo, Cormas, Gama), of participants (various disciplinary and geographical backgrounds ), and of trainers (modelers and computer scientists)
Oriented towards participatory modeling and interdisciplinarity
2 weeks during which the trainers collective is present
September is a great time to be in south of France, close to the beach and lovely Montpellier …
More: http://www.agropolis.org/miss-abms/
Christophe LE PAGE