The meeting will bring together experts in earth surface process modeling in a three-day hands-on workshop to identify challenges in bridging boundaries in our current process understanding, both fundamentally in the earth surface processes as well as in the modeling approaches and technology. This includes interdisciplinary boundaries and how best to identify and address these numerically.
The CSDMS 3.0 - Bridging Boundaries 2019 Annual Meeting aims to:
- Identify new frontiers in fundamental process understanding of the earth surface. New algorithms, cyberinfrastructure development and new model couplings appear paramount to explore important process dynamics and linkages.
- Identify critical missing components in our ability to overcome model and process boundaries.
- Build researcher-to-researcher connections. Better connect earth surface process modelers with modelers of primary and secondary forcings, as well as social sciences and engineers to allow exploration of the human dimensions in earth surface processes.
- As in past meetings, keynote speakers are by invitation only, and poster presentations are the general media.
The meeting will include:
- State-of-the art keynote presentations in earth-surface dynamics
- Hands-on clinics related to community models, tools and approaches
- Transformative software products and approaches designed to be accessible, easy to use, and relevant
- Breakout sessions
- Poster Sessions
Consider signing up for the pre-conference training sessions as well. See the website for more information on these.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at