DINO model - Dynamics of Internalization and Dissemination of Norms

DINO model - Dynamics of Internalization and Dissemination of Norms (1.1.0)

The DINO model (Dynamics of Internalization and Dissemimnation of Norms) simulates a conceptual model on the dynamics of norm internalization in the decision-making framework of a 3-person prisoner’s dilemma game.

Release Notes

The influence of personal norms on decision-making was revised in Version 1.1. The personal norm [0;2] is now transformed for the value range between [0;1] before it is multiplied in the decision-making function. For personal norm values ≤ 1, it is multiplied as: 1 / (2 – Personal Norm). That way, the transformed personal norm value in decision-making has the properties of ranging between [0.5;2] (i.e., halving or duplicating the intention for a behavioral action) and its neutral midpoint being 1 (i.e., not influencing the decision). The norm internalization process was not revised in DINO model 1.1. The personal norm value may still be adapted linearly in norm internalization.

Associated Publications

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/codebases/1bb193d4-6c9e-4f19-84d1-b95e2780e9ed/releases/1.1.0