Does anyone have a scan/pdf of Sakoda's thesis (1949)

Sakoda, J. Minidoka: An Analysis of Changing Patterns of Social Interactions. Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Berkeley (1949).

(well before he developed his social simulation tool).

I have a scan of his notes ( but not the thing itself :-/


Looks like it’s available on microfilm at Stanford, and you’d need to make a digitization request to them to get at it: Digitization | Libraries

Many thanks. The Stanford digitalization service web page says its services can be requested by:

Stanford affiliates (students, faculty, and library staff), coordinate libraries, and patrons external to the university may request digitization services for research, teaching, and various academic pursuits.

…so I do not know how to get this done. Someone should want this given its importance, but I will have to find someone able to request this service.

I reached out to their reference librarians and they said they couldn’t digitize it but the microfilm is available for inter library loan. I’ll see if one of our RAs has time to borrow it and digitize it locally at ASU.