Exploring the Potential of Conversational AI Support for Agent-Based Social Simulation Model Design

Exploring the Potential of Conversational AI Support for Agent-Based Social Simulation Model Design (1.0.0)

Our aim is to demonstrate how conversational AI systems, exemplified by ChatGPT, can support the conceptualisation of Agent-Based Social Simulation (ABSS) models, leading to a full ABSS model design document. Through advanced prompt engineering and adherence to the Engineering ABSS framework (Siebers and Klügl 2017), we have constructed a comprehensive script that is easy to use and that supports the design of ABSS models with or even by AI. The performance of the script is demonstrated through an illustrative case study related to the use of adaptive architecture in museums. The repository contains (1) the comprehensive script in a format that allows copying and pasting prompts for use with ChatGPT, (2) the results of the illustrative case study in the form of two conceptual ABSS models, the ground truth and the autogenerated version.

Release Notes

A preprint version of the related paper is available from arXiv (DOI: TBA).

Associated Publications

A preprint version of the related paper (Siebers 2024) is available from arXiv (DOI: TBA).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/codebases/28563132-a021-4f10-9378-df8036c8ccca/releases/1.0.0