ICARUS - a multi-agent compliance inspection model (1.0.0)
ICARUS is a multi-agent compliance inspection model (ICARUS - Inspecting Compliance to mAny RUleS). The model is applicable to environments where an inspection agency, via centrally coordinated inspections, examines compliance in organizations which must comply with multiple provisions (rules). The model (ICARUS) contains 3 types of agents: entities, inspection agency and inspectors / inspections. ICARUS describes a repeated, simultaneous, non-cooperative game of pure competition. Agents have imperfect, incomplete, asymmetric information. Entities in each move (tick) choose a pure strategy (comply/violate) for each rule, depending on their own subjective assessment of the probability of the inspection. The Inspection Agency carries out the given inspection strategy.
A more detailed description of the model is available in the .nlogo file. Full description of the model (in line with the ODD+D protocol) and the analysis of the model (including verification, validation and sensitivity analysis) can be found in the attached documentation.
Release Notes
ICARUS is was developed in NetLogo 5.3.1 (download: https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/5.3.1/). This is the first version of the model. (V.1.0.0). The model can be automatically migrated to NetLogo v. 6.x
Associated Publications
Smojver, Slaven: “Multi-Agent Model of Centrally Coordinated Compliance Inspections (ICARUS)” (October 25, 2018). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4019714
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/codebases/251b6bf1-d1bb-47a8-b97d-f56877b86d4d/releases/1.0.0