John Q. Public (JQP): A Model of Political Judgment and Behavior v1.1.0

The model integrates major theories of political judgment and behavior within the classic cognitive paradigm embedded in the ACT-R cognitive architecture. In particular, evaluative affect plays a critical role in the model, which differs from the classic paradigm. It has been applied to study the empirical dynamics of candidate evaluation in the 2000 US Presidential election (Kim, Taber, and Lodge, 2010. Political Behavior) and well-known empirical regularities found in electoral and psychological research and motivated reasoning (Kim, 2011, JASSS). For more information about the model, see “A Model of Citizen as Motivated Reasoner: Modeling the 2000 Presidential Election” (Kim, Taber, and Lodge, 2010, Political Behavior) and “John Q. Public: A Model of Political Judgment and Agent-based Simulation of Candidate Evaluation” (Kim, 2011, JASSS).
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