Netlogo and VR platform integration

Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know whether a Netlogo model can be integrated with any virtual reality technologies especially immersive VR? I am a phd student and trying to do some participatory simulation using netlogo and VR.
Thank you.


This would probably be better asked of the NetLogo users or NetLogo developers google groups. It’s certainly possible, but not sure if any individuals or groups have started to explore this. Depending on performance you could run the simulations “online” within the VR environment or generate visualizations over data representing your scenarios from prior NetLogo simulation runs.

Might be fun to propose to your informatics / computer science & engineering departments and see if anyone wants to help build it!

Here’s some initial links of VR SDKs that might be useful (for developers):

Open source:

Google Cardboard (prey to the whims of however long Google decides to support it though)

Good luck!