Postdoc Research Associate in Agricultural Water Management (Texas A&M, Vernon TX)
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Agricultural Water Management) Position
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Vernon, TX ( (Texas A & M University System) is seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Agricultural Water Management) position. The candidate will assist Dr. Srinivasulu Ale, Associate Professor (Geospatial Hydrology) with the development and implementation of research projects related to sustainable water resources management on crop, pasture and rangelands under changing climate. Research will be related to: i) the development and evaluation of novel decision support tools for efficient irrigation and crop management in cotton, sorghum, wheat, guar and other important crop production systems, ii) climate change impacts on crop production, and iii) assessment of impacts of cover crops on soil health, soil water availability, and yield of subsequent cash crops, and/or other research areas depending on the requirements of funding sources. The candidate is also expected to assist in other ongoing research projects in the Geospatial Hydrology program as needed.
The individual is expected to have strong crop/hydrologic modeling experience, good computer and statistical programming skills, experience in using GIS and remote sensing software, and processing of future climate data. The selected candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Soil Science or closely related field at the time of appointment. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. Interested applicants should electronically submit a letter of research interests, CV, transcripts and the contact information of at least three references at this link (job reference # R-027801). Review of applications has already started and it will continue until a suitable candidate is found.
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