RaMDry - Rangeland Model in Drylands 1.0.0

*RaMDry* (Rangeland Model in Drylands) has been developped to study the dynamic use of forage ressources by ruminant herbivores in arid/semi-arid savanna rangelands with particular emphasis on **effects of change of climate and management**. The model simulates the foraging activitives of herbivore (in its initial version only zebu cattle) herds in a **heterogeneous** environment consisting of several forms of land use and grasslands of two different grass species compositions over the run of the years. Seasonal dynamics thereby affects the **amount and the nutritional values** of the available grass biomass. A link of the vegetation regrowth with climatic data (daily precipitation and temperature) supports the study of effects of climatic change on the sustainability of rangeland management practices. --------- A detailed description of the model and the simulated processes (including the ODD protocol) can be found in the following publication: Fust & Schlecht (2017) Integrating spatio-temporal variation in resource availability and herbivore movements into rangeland management: RaMDry - an agent-based model on livestock feeding ecology in a dynamic, heterogeneous, semi-arid environment, *Ecological Modelling*
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.comses.net/codebases/5860/releases/1.0.0/