Hello everyone,
I am very new to CoMSES and I like the site already due to its rich set of resources and guidance related to Agent Based modelling. I have been studying systems modelling for past many years now. I started with System Dynamics modelling and later on proceeded to learn Agent-Based Modelling (in NetLogo).
I came across the concept of Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) which I feel very well describes the framework within which an Agent Based model essentially operates. Since then I have been thinking about enhancing my knowledge in theoretical aspects related to Complex Adaptive Systems in order to be able to develop good Agent-Based Models.
The book ‘Complex Adaptive Systems - An Introduction to Computational Models of Social Life’ by John Miller and Scott E. Page provides good insight into the different theoretical aspects related to Agent Based Models such as feedback loops, networks, game theory, emergence etc, and particularly, examples of areas where heterogeneity is an important factor determining behavior. The book informs that Agent Based models could also be mathematical models or thought experiments.
Since many of the members of this network may be already working in CAS related field, I thought it is a good forum to ask whether it is a good idea for me to further my education in CAS through a graduate program. I am basically an engineer but not working within the fields I believe currently find applications of CAS like Biology, Physics, Economics, Computer Science or Robotics. What are the opportunities out there after a graduate program. And what skills (for example, mathematical, computational etc.) should I have to take up such courses.
Thanks in advance.