Request a Peer Review for your Computational Model

Authors who submit their computational models to the CoMSES Net Computational Model Library can request peer review of their models. If the model passes review, models will be granted a peer reviewed badge and a DOI.

Models must remain private during peer review so that you can continue to adjust your computational model files and metadata to address any reviewer concerns raised during the peer review process. Publishing a codebase release locks the files associated with that release (but not the metadata), so you would need to draft a new release to address any reviewer concerns related to the files included in your codebase release.

To begin the model review process, proceed to your uploaded and unpublished model. All of your models can be found by choosing ‘your account’ from your username menu. If your model is unpublished, it should say so at the top of your model’s page as seen in the image below.

Before you request that your model be peer reviewed, make sure that your model meets the review criteria. Next download your model, using the ‘download for review’ link shown below, to make sure that this version of your model is able to run (a key criteria for successful review).

A common issue is that the link to any supplementary data or maps may have changed. Review any such links to ensure that your model works as intended. If you need to make any adjustments you can re-upload your model and re-download it again to see that your changes have made the desired effect.

To request a peer review, choose the red box ‘request peer review.’

Once you have requested the peer review, a CoMSES editor will contact a CoMSES reviewer to review your model. Please note that presently CoMSES has more Netlogo reviewers than other ABM platforms and languages. This could impact how long it takes to identify a reviewer able to review your model. The reviewer will evaluate your model and either certify it, or provide you with suggestions on how to improve your model for certification.

Once your model has been approved, a ‘peer reviewed’ icon will appear in your model listing and on the model page. You can then request a DOI for your model by sending an email to: [email protected]