Research Biologist/ Soil Scientist/ Agronomist/ Agricultural Engineer (Beltsville, Maryland - USDA)
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center is seeking highly qualified candidates for a permanent full-time, Research Biologist/Soil Scientist/Agronomist/Agricultural Engineer for the Adaptive Cropping Systems Laboratory located in Beltsville, MD. The salary for this position is $86,335.00 - $133,465.00 annually plus benefits.
The mission of this unit is to apply systems theory to the solution of complex, agricultural problems and to develop computer-aided farm decision support systems and assessment tools for environmental study and analysis. The incumbent will work with a multidisciplinary team in the areas of understanding the mechanisms and diversity of plant responses to climate change factors, evaluating agronomic, physiological and biochemical responses of plants to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and/or high temperature and water stress, and to develop, test and modify simulation models of plant response to climate, management, and genetic variables. The incumbent collaborates with other ARS, university and private sector scientists to build the multi-disciplinary team necessary for this research. The incumbent must analyze, interpret and disseminate the findings in the form of reports, presentations and publications in scientific journals.
To apply, go to and search ARS-D20Y-10750312-YM for details. This vacancy will be open from 4/15/2020 through 5/16/2020 and applications must be received by 05/16/2020.
U.S. citizenship is required. USDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider
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