Simulating Urban Mobility job
University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam has a 2-year position to offer in a new research project related to participatory modelling of future urban mobility systems in Potsdam/near Berlin, Germany. The goal of the project is to integrate existing open source tools for traffic simulation and geospatial data visualisation in an interactive decision-support tool to be used as part of stakeholder workshops. The successful applicant will have a degree in a relevant technical discipline, ideally previous knowledge/experience with modelling urban systems/especially mobility, and willingness to work in an interdisciplinary team. They offer full-time employment (part-time is possible if desired) according to the German collective agreement for the public service (TVL-E13: 50-60k € gross p.a., depending on prior experience) plus pension/health benefits. German-language skills are not necessarily required; it is possible to get by with English in both the job and life in the Berlin area. While they don’t have a PhD program they would support your goals to pursue a degree via our partner university network, if desired. For details, see the attached job ad, also linked here:
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