Social Simulation Fest 2025
We are excited to announce that the Social Simulation Fest will continue its annual tradition in 2025. The festival offers a unique platform for ESSA members to connect and engage with the community. Information can be found on
This is a call for session proposals at the Social Simulation FesT 2025, scheduled for 20-21 May 2025. Each day will have three sessions and an inspirational talk, with each session lasting 1.5 hours. Session organizers are expected to curate their session’s content. We are looking forward to world-wide suggestions and participation.
To propose a Session: * Submit a description (max. 2000 characters, excluding the following details): * Preferred session timing: Morning or Afternoon + Date (20th or 21th of May). ** Session Type: Choose from the following, emphasizing interactive and unconventional formats: ** Tutorials and Demonstrations: Hands-on guidance on software tools or models. ** Introductions to Social Simulation: Tailored outreach to various disciplines and research areas. ** Seminar: Focused group discussion with a lead presentation and extended Q&A. ** Workshop: Interactive group discussion with online tools and breakout groups. ** Other interactive formats.
Describe how your session will engage participants and utilize the online format effectively. Submit your proposal via this form no later than the 7th of March: Important Dates: * 7th March 2025 (23:59 anywhere on Earth): Deadline for proposal submission * 18 March 2025: Notification of acceptance
Best regards, The SocSim Fest Committee (Cristina Chueca Del Cerro, Marie Kogler, Jason Thompson, Timo Szczepanska, Nanda Wijermans, Harko Verhagen)
P.S. For further information and inquiries, please contact us at organizers<at>
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at