Why its worth learning FLAMEGPU for large scale agent based modells?


Recently I found “Flexible Large Scale Agent Modelling Environment for the GPU (FLAMEGPU)” - http://www.flamegpu.com/

Maybe someone is using it and could explain if it is worth learning to use Flame-GPU?

As I understand FLAMEGPU uses XML to build models and runs them on CUDA. However, I do not understand why it uses XML? Is it not worth using Python C# with CUDA or something similar?

I also found great looking agent-based models with visualization, could someone explain more precisely how FLAMEGPU is used? Do you have to write the whole model in XML? What about advanced algorithms e.g. neural networks? How are the visualizations made?
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cjorOe810o&t=2s

What technical requirements are needed for it? Would a laptop with 500 GB SSD hard drive, 16 GB Ram, i7-4710 HQ (8 CPU) ~2.5Ghz and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M - 2 GB enough, or a high-performance computing server is needed to use FLAMEGPU? e.g. Amazon web services?